Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July Parade

This was my view of the parade from the covered wagon -- but I enjoyed watching the faces of the people, some of whom, when they saw Samuel and me sitting in the wagon, actually jumped into the street to take our picture. It was just like the potpourratzi (I have no idea how to spell that).

Just a few photos that was able to take from my vantage point - sitting with Samuel in a covered wagon, facing backwards toward the rest of the parade. The white truck that you see in the pictures was pulling the Mitchell Hollow VBS float which, unfortunately, I did NOT get a shot of. On that float were most of the children and parents, including Laura and Anna. Michael was riding in uniform on the VFW float. Dan was helping to hand out VBS fliers to parade watchers.....we had alot of fun. And the fireworks were fantastic this year!

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