Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Celebrate Respect for Chickens Day!

I don't know how I missed it, but May 4th was an important day to honor one of God's creatures that has played an important role in all our lives...the chicken. Who else gives and gives and keeps on giving? Barbequed, stewed, casseroled, hot 'n spicy, or cool and salad-y we love 'em. Then, there are the omelets, egg salads, and Easter eggs! Seriously, though, I do have alot of respect for the chickens I have known and even loved. Remember, kids, the two chickens we hatched in school, took home and cared for? ....(ummmm, what were their names again??...)  Until that sly fox or wicked weasel showed up one night! I still feel sad and a little guilty about that.

Well, in honor of our feathered friends, let us breathe deeply (but not if you happen to be in the chicken coop) and.......all together now---

Cockadoodle doo!!

International Respect for Chickens Day
Show that world that chickens do matter on this international day to promote the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl.

--from -- photo via flickr