Thursday, October 31, 2013

God Sees, Knows, Loves, Gives

Why is change so hard? It is, after all a part of life. After walking this path called life for years you would think it would be easy. A bump in the road, or a brief shower on an otherwise sunny day. This morning I find myself facing change with a renewed sense of resistance. My truest, most honest response is "NO-oooooo! Don't want things to be different. I liked them the way they were. Can we just go back, God?"
Then I awake to my husband holding my hand, praying with me before he leaves for work...I sit down with my morning coffee and notice a pink glow outside--a glorious sunrise! Across the room I see the first bloom on the Christmas cactus. I open an email to find a song of hope and strength...God IS so good. And it is only 8 am! I'm thinking I can step over this bump and walk through the shower with a God who loves this much.
It is time to be #movingforward.