Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lighthouse 5th Anniversary

We gathered on Saturday, November 1st to Celebrate Lighthouse Bible Church's 5th anniversary. We enjoyed an early Thanksgiving dinner -- turkey, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc. and then shared some songs and testimonies of how God has blessed us, individually and as a church family.
We first met as a church in October 2003, in a borrowed storefront in Tannersville, NY, a few miles east of our present location. We're thankful for the completion of our first year in our present spot on Main Street in Hunter. With our history of frequent moves during our first 4 years, a whole year in one place is a longevity record for us! From 2003 to 2007 we met in various places while praying and searching for a permanent church home: in 2 store fronts, a tent, a living room, a youth center, and in another church, who graciously had opened their doors for us when we were temporarily "homeless". God has always provided -- even keeping the rain away during our tent meeting days. We never had a rain storm during church time for that entire summer.....pretty amazing (and, no, it was NOT during a drought!). We had our first Vacation Bible School this past summer (see some pictures posted in another album on this site.) We are excited to see what God will do over the next 5 years and beyond!

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