Thursday, May 22, 2008



I've been thinking alot lately about suffering. The needs are so great as many around us are going through various testings and trials. In our ladies' Bible study, we are slowly going through the Book of Romans. We meet on Wednesday mornings, and yesterday's lesson was about God's Peace -- peace with God and the peace of God. Once we have accepted Christ as Savior we have peace with God. We begin a personal relationship with God, based on the blood of Jesus. No one can take that away, for God has given it to us.

But the peace of God is a very different matter. "The peace of God is to have perfect peace of mind and heart, no worry, an untroubled heart in spite of circumstances." We talked about how to access that peace in the midst of suffering -- physical pain, emotional loss, loneliness, death of a child -- and then the widespread pain of global disasters -- cyclone, earthquakes, terrorism, war, famine. The Scripture teaches us that God has promised us peace. Our God is bigger than anything or anyone that can threaten or harm us. We are in His hands. Why do we not experience His peace? Because we have taken our eyes off Him. God has a purpose in all of our trials. We can trust God when He allows tribulations in our lives -- He is using them to some advantage for us.

Have you asked God what He wants to teach you through this painful circumstance?

Lord, You are faithful. We trust you. Even when we don't understand. You are God. Thank You for Your everlasting, powerful and tender arms that hold us. Yes, thank You for that peace that is beyond our understanding, yet so real. We look to you, our Creator, Sustainer, Shepherd and Savior. YOU RULE!

Here are a couple of verses to turn to today, tomorrow, or any time your feelings lead you to doubt or fear. I'm writing these down on index cards so they are handy at a moment's notice!

John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 121 -- the whole thing!

P.S. I just love Elisabeth Elliott and her sweet yet deep insights into God's Word. Following is a link to her daily devotional:

Hey, thanks for "listening".


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