Monday, May 25, 2009

True Woman | No Greater Love

True Love -- what does the phrase bring to your mind? I found this blog to be very encouraging and convicting.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jay Witham Concert

Start:     May 8, '09 7:00p
End:     May 8, '09 9:00p
Location:     Lighthouse Bible Church, Main Street, Hunter, NY (across from the Hunter PO)
Pastor and Christian Country singer Jay Witham will be in concert at Lighthouse Bible Church in Hunter on Friday at 7 pm. Jay has been a pastor for many years as well as a recording artist, and has two new CD projects that were recently released. His ministry is the simple message of Christ in song, and his music and message appeal to all ages. You are invited to come and be blessed as you enjoy an evening of Christian Country Music. This is a free event. A love offering will be taken for Jay's ministry. For further information, call 518-263-4167